A 'new' normal

Updated: Nov 27, 2020

I was talking about a different kind of normal long before coronavirus, lockdown, social distancing and furloughing became part of our vocabulary. I feel like I've been living in an alternate universe, a different kind of reality for years now. And to be honest, I'm only just starting to make sense of it all. I've longed to share my story, just haven't quite known where to start. I haven't had the time, energy or confidence to begin.

But sometimes that's what you need. A beginning, a start; with the hope that the rest will flow.

I've heard it say that if a story needs to be told and you don't tell it, then someone else will. Lockdown has given me time to reflect and I've decided that I don't want to miss the moment to tell my story, our story. It's a story that needs to be told.